Ventilācijas izvads plakaniem jumtiem (deflektors), D 110
15,54 €gab. iesk. PVN
// Get elements
// Create loader element
// Function to update total price
// Function to set labels
// Function to parse price correctly, handling both comma and dot as decimal separators
// Handle quantity change with event delegation
qtyInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // trigger change event
qtyInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // trigger change event
// Sync quantity with WooCommerce form
wcQtyInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // Ensure WC listens to this change
// Handle add to cart button click
// Add loading class to the button
// Trigger WooCommerce add to cart button click
// Wait for WooCommerce to complete adding to cart
// Remove loading class after 2 seconds
// Also remove the loading class after 2 seconds regardless of the event
// Function to set product price for simple and variable products
// Case 1: Simple product without attributes
// Case 2: Variable product without any selected variation
// Update price when variation is selected
// Set initial product price
// Recalculate price when variation is updated
// Use more specific observer targeting