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+371 265 31 114



Teknes ārējais stiprinājums (īsais 140mm) Ø150

3,78 4,52 gab iesk. PVN

// Get elements // Create loader element // Function to update total price // Function to set labels // Function to parse price correctly, handling both comma and dot as decimal separators // Handle quantity change with event delegation qtyInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // trigger change event qtyInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // trigger change event // Sync quantity with WooCommerce form wcQtyInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); // Ensure WC listens to this change // Handle add to cart button click // Add loading class to the button // Trigger WooCommerce add to cart button click // Wait for WooCommerce to complete adding to cart // Remove loading class after 2 seconds // Also remove the loading class after 2 seconds regardless of the event // Function to set product price for simple and variable products // Case 1: Simple product without attributes // Case 2: Variable product without any selected variation // Update price when variation is selected // Set initial product price // Recalculate price when variation is updated // Use more specific observer targeting

500+ dažādu produktu

Izdevīgi piegādes risinājumi

Atsaucīgi konsultanti

Dažādi tiešsaistes norēķini

Produkta apraksts

Papildu informācija

RR11 tumši zaļš , RR20 balts , RR21 gaiši pelēks , RR22 pelēks , RR23 tumši pelēks , RR24 gaiši dzeltens , RR25 dzeltens , RR29 sarkans , RR30 gaiši brūns , RR28 tumši sarkana , RR31 brūns , RR32 tumši brūns , RR33 melns , RR34 gaiši zils , RR35 zils , RR36 gaiši zaļš , RR37 zaļš , RR41 tumš sudrabs , RR42 zelts , RR43 vara metāliska , RR44 zila metāliska , RR750 ķieģeļu sarkans , ZN


PE/POLY , PURAL/PUR 0.5mm , Cinkots 0.5mm